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State Licensure Requirements

For Clinical Counseling Programs


Alliant International University has reviewed its programs to determine whether the programs meet the educational requirements for this licensure in varying states. While Alliant strives to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information about licensure requirements, students are encouraged to contact their state’s licensing agency to verify license requirements as information may be subject to change without notice.  

This information is provided in compliance with the U.S. Department of Education and the Code of Federal Regulations.



At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs in Alabama. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in Alabama.



Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Alaska Board of Professional Counselors.

Alaska’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Alaska Board of Professional Counselors

Board of Professional Counselor Statutes and Regulations




Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners.

Arizona’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners

Arizona Board Statutes

Arizona Board Rules




At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs in Arkansas. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in Arkansas.



Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences for licensure.

California’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

California Board of Behavioral Sciences

Information for APCC and LPCC Applicants  

California Law Chapter 16. Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors




Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Colorado State Board of Professional Counselor Examiners.

Colorado’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Colorado State Board of Professional Counselor Examiners

Colorado State Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners Rules and Regulations




Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Connecticut State Department of Public Health.

Connecticut’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Connecticut State Department of Public Health

Licensed Professional Counseling Requirements




Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Delaware Board of Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Professionals.

Delaware’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Delaware Board of Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Professionals

Associate Counselor of Mental Health Licensure Requirements

Professional Counselor of Mental Health Licensure Requirements



District of Columbia

At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs in Washington DC. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in Washington DC.



Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling.

Florida’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling

Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern Requirements

Licensed Mental Health Counselor Requirements




At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs in Georgia. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in Georgia.



Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program does not meet the practicum requirements set forth by the Hawaii Professional and Vocational Licensing Division. You may contact an Alliant Admissions Counselor for additional information.



Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Idaho Board of Professional Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists.

Idaho’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Idaho Board of Professional Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists

Idaho State Licensing Laws

Idaho State Licensing Rules




Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation.  

Illinois’ Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation

Illinois Professional Counseling Act

Illinois Professional Counseling Rules




Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Indiana Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board, Professional Licensing Agency

Indiana’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Indiana Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board

Licensure Requirements and Instructions

Indiana Licensing Statues and Rules




At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs in Iowa. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in Iowa.



Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board.

Kansas’ Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board

Statutes & Regulations for Professional Counselors

Application Information for Professional Counselors




At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs in Kentucky. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in Kentucky.



Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselors Board of Examiners for licensure.

Louisiana’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Louisiana State Board of Licensed Professional Counselors

Louisiana State Board of Licensed Professional Counselors Laws & Rules

Louisiana Application Process




Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Maine Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure for Conditional Licensed Professional Counselor.

Maine’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Maine Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure

Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure Laws

Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure Rules




At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs in Maryland. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in Maryland.



Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health and Human Services Professions.

Massachusetts’ Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health and Human Services Professions

Licensed Mental Health Counselor Application Guide

Allied Mental Health Policies Statutes and Regulations




Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program does not meet the educational requirements set forth by the Michigan Bureau of Professional Licensing. You may contact an Alliant Admissions Counselor for additional information.



Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health & Therapy.

Minnesota’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy

Minnesota Administrative Rules, Chapter 2150, Professional Counseling Licensure




At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs in Mississippi. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in Mississippi.



Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Missouri Committee for Professional Counselors.

Missouri’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Missouri Committee for Professional Counselors

Missouri Committee for Professional Counselors Statutes

Missouri Code of State Regulations, Division 2095

Professional Counselors Licensure Overview




Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Montana Board of Behavioral Health.

Montana’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Montana Board of Behavioral Health

Board of Behavioral Health Rules

Montana Code Chapter 23. Professional Counseling  




Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services Board of Mental Health and Social Work Practice.

Nebraska’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Nebraska Board of Mental Health and Social Work Practice

Nebraska Board of Mental Health and Social Work Practice Regulations

Nebraska Statutes Relating to Mental Health Practice Act



At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs that contain practicum or internships in Nevada. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in Nevada in the Clinical Counseling program.


New Hampshire

At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs that contain practicum or internships in New Hampshire. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in New Hampshire in the Clinical Counseling program.


New Jersey

Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the New Jersey Professional Counselor Examiners Committee.

New Jersey’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

New Jersey Professional Counselor Examiners Committee

Professional Counselor Examiners Committee Statutes

Chapter 34 Subchapters 10-31 Professional Counselor Examiners Committee Regulations

Professional Counselor Examiners Committee Application Process Overview




New Mexico

Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program does not meet the educational requirements set forth by the New Mexico Regulation & Licensing Department. You may contact an Alliant Admissions Counselor for additional information.


New York

Alliant is not able to recommend graduates for professional licensure in New York State and does not know whether the course or program leads to licensure requirements in New York State.

New York’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

New York Office of the Professions, Mental Health Practitioners

License Requirements for Mental Health Counselors


North Carolina

At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs in North Carolina. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in North Carolina.


North Dakota

Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the North Dakota North Dakota Board of Counselor Examiners.

North Dakota’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

North Dakota Board of Counselor Examiners

North Dakota Century Code Chapters 43-47

North Dakota Administrative Chapter 97




Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Ohio Counselor, Social Work, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board.

Ohio’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Ohio Counselor, Social Work, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board

Ohio Licensed Professional Counselor Application Instructions

Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 4757-13, Licensing of Counselors




At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs that contain practicum or internships in Oklahoma. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in Oklahoma in the Clinical Counseling program.



At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs in Oregon. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in Oregon.



Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling does not meet all requirements set forth by the Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors for licensure. In addition to completing an accredited graduate degree in counseling, all applicants for licensure in Pennsylvania must also complete 3 hours of training in child abuse recognition and reporting that has been approved by the PA Department of Education in consultation with the Department of Human Services.

Pennsylvania’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Pennsylvania State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors

Professional Counselor Licensure Requirements Snapshot

Board Laws & Regulations


Rhode Island

At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs in Rhode Island. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in Rhode Island.


South Carolina

At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs that contain practicum or internships in South Carolina. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in South Carolina in the Clinical Counseling program.


South Dakota

Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the South Dakota Board of Examiners for Counselors & Marriage and Family Therapists.  

South Dakota’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

South Dakota Board of Examiners for Counselors & Marriage and Family Therapists

Professional Counselor Statutes: Chapter 36-32

Administrative Rules – Licensed Professional Counselor




Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Tennessee Board for Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Marital and Family Therapists and Licensed Clinical Pastoral Therapists.

Tennessee’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Tennessee Board for Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Marital and Family Therapists and Licensed Clinical Pastoral Therapists

Board Statutes and Rules




Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors.

Texas’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors

Applying for a Professional Counselor License

Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors, 22 TAC Part 30, Chapter 681

Chapter 503 of the Occupations Code, the Licensed Professional Counselor Act




Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing.

Utah’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing

Clinical Mental Health Counselor Licensing Act Rule, R156-60c

Utah General Rule of the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing

Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing Act 58-1




At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs in Vermont. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in Vermont.



At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs in Virginia. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in Virginia.



At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs that contain practicum or internships in Washington. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in Washington in the Clinical Counseling program.


West Virginia

At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs in West Virginia. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in West Virginia.



At this time, Alliant is not authorized to offer distance education programs in Wisconsin. As such, Alliant is not able to enroll any students located in Wisconsin.



Alliant has determined that our Clinical Counseling program meets the requirements set forth by the Wyoming Mental Health Professions Licensing Board.

Wyoming’s Professional Counselor licensure requirements and applicable information can be found here:

Wyoming Mental Health Professions Licensing Board

Wyoming Licensing Rules and Regulations

Provisional Professional Counseling Requirements

Licensed Professional Counseling Requirements


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